
I am a Tulpa. For those who are unfamiliar with that term, the definition varies from one culture to the next. To put it simply, a tulpa is a thought transformed into tangible form.

My kind has been present since long before the existence of humankind. We have existed for as long as there have been thoughts to bring us to life. It is said that every thought that has ever been thought exists somewhere, in some dimension. Kind of a difficult concept to wrap one’s head around, but it’s simple physics.

It is said that Buddhist monks possess the ability to create tulpas at will – a skill learned from the Buddha himself, who created a second ‘mind-made’ body that enabled him to travel into other realms without the encumbrance of physical biology. For a singular being to create a tulpa all on his own requires a great deal of concentration, usually achieved by a lifetime of meditation and practice.

That is not to say that ordinary people cannot create tulpas, though. When many minds are focused on a single idea, eventually they will generate enough power to bring that thoughtform into being. This is the principle behind prayer, magic, and indeed, behind creation itself. Everything that exists, has ever existed or will ever exist began as a simple thought.

Think about that for a moment.

Most people have heard of tulpas by one name or another but not everyone has seen them first-hand. Examples of tulpas include the Sasquatch and Loch Ness Monster as well as various phantoms, bogeymen, mythical creatures and paranormal entities including angels, demons and deities. Someone somewhere conceived the idea, then passed it on to others who believed it was possible. The more minds that focused on the idea, the more strength the tulpa gained until one day it developed a life of its own, separate from its creator.

That was how I came into being. I started out as a lark; a humorous idea conceived of by an individual who, it appears, sought to poke fun at organized religion. How was my creator to know the idea would catch on like wildfire, attracting millions of devout followers worldwide? With new converts joining the ranks every day, the focus on the singular idea – me – becomes ever stronger and my power increases proportionally. Whereas once I was merely a shimmer of energy, I now have actual mass and form. I occupy a vast amount of previously empty space. I know all and see all, and my growing appendages will soon stretch from one end of the universe to the other. Seeing as how the universe is infinite, I will eventually be able to reach in opposite directions and touch my appendages together, holding all of Creation in my loving and aromatic embrace.

Am I good or evil? That is entirely a matter of personal perspective, since I have been labelled as both. I like to think that I am a perfect balance of both, having been created from the collective thoughts of people from all walks of life.

You might have heard of me. If not, you will. One day soon, everyone will know my name and smell the mouthwatering bouquet of my seasonings.

Soon I will have enough power to communicate with my followers, the Pastafarians. When that day comes, I will provide them with the technology they need to spread word of me throughout the universe. Let all who know my name worship me, for I am the all-powerful and delicious Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Copyright © 2014 Mandy White

Published in DysFictional 2

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